Imagine our surprise and delight in learning that Jacobs, a global engineering company operating in Sellafield, was donating almost £1,800 to support Lake District Mobility’s work! This was nothing to how touched we felt when we learnt the story behind the donation.
It all began a year ago, in the first Covid-19 lockdown. Gemma Goulding, a Project Manager at Jacobs, learnt of an elderly woman who, having had no contact with anyone outside her home for two weeks, passed away alone in her home. This motivated Gemma to start up The Seascale and Gosforth Support Network.
Supported by the local County Councillor and the Parish Council, and with plenty of members and local volunteers, the network made sure that those who were most vulnerable were not left to struggle alone. Working with local shops, volunteers delivered supplies such as food and medicines. They checked up on the wellbeing of the elderly and isolating, who had no other support locally. Working full time throughout, Gemma also initiated a well-received ‘surprise food parcel’ scheme, where end-of-life goods donated by a local shop were distributed on their sell-by date to people self-isolating.
Gemma’s employer, Jacobs, was so impressed by her efforts that it commended her with a Special Bright Spot Award. This gave Gemma the opportunity to nominate a charity to receive a contribution from Jacobs. We are thrilled that Gemma chose us, a local charity, from among the many worthy causes who deserve such support. This donation helps us make amazing outdoor places accessible – a mission we feel is even more urgent now, as our communities are recovering mentally and physically from the pandemic.
Our sincerest thanks go to Gemma and Jacobs for their kind and generous donation. We also want to say a great big “Well done!” to Gemma and the volunteers and members of The Seascale and Gosforth Support Network for their amazing work in the community!